Tour of Neighborhood Homes with TFA

Take a tour of the neighborhood with the Tulsa Foundation for Architecture. Use this link to sign up:  TFA Tour of Renaissance Neighborhood

General Meeting

Campbell Hotel Ballroom 2636 E 11th St, Tulsa, OK

Our Renaissance Neighborhood Association general meeting is this coming Tuesday, April 8, 2025, at 7 pm in the ballroom of the Campbell Hotel, 11th and Birmingham. Parking is behind the hotel. Come out and meet your neighbors and hear about upcoming events in our neighborhood.

Dumpsters – Date is Tentative

City View Park 13th Pl & Atlanta Pl

Wake the kiddos and alert the neighbors - the dumpsters are coming to RNA! City of Tulsa dumpsters will be available soon in the RNA. Dumpsters will be dropped off on Friday at these two locations: South side of 13th Place, between Atlanta Avenue and Atlanta Place, alongside City View Park east side of Gary […]

Renaissance Neighborhood Walking Tour (date tentative)

East Dial Building 1204 S. Harvard Ave., Tulsa, OK

Our wonderful neighborhood history tours led by RNA Historian, Arena de Foddis. Wear your walking shoes. No reservations required. This is an interactive tour packed with history about homes, Tulsa pioneers and life in the 1920s to the 1940s. (Suggested donation of $10. Cash or Paypal accepted. All proceeds go to the Renaissance Neighborhood Association.) […]

Renaissance Neighborhood Walking Tour (date tentative)

Our wonderful neighborhood history tours led by RNA Historian, Arena de Foddis. Wear your walking shoes. No reservations required. This is an interactive tour packed with history about homes, Tulsa pioneers and life in the 1920s to the 1940s. (Suggested donation of $10. Cash or Paypal accepted. All proceeds go to the Renaissance Neighborhood Association.) […]


Details to follow.

General Meeting

Campbell Hotel Ballroom 2636 E 11th St, Tulsa, OK

Our Renaissance Neighborhood Association general meeting is this coming Tuesday, October 7, 2025, at 7 pm in the ballroom of the Campbell Hotel, 11th and Birmingham. Parking is behind the hotel. Come out and meet your neighbors and hear about upcoming events in our neighborhood. Election of Board Officers will be held at this meeting.

RNA Chili Challenge

Our annual RNA Chili Fest will be on the afternoon of Sunday, October 12, location TBD. Details will be announced at the general meeting and then on Facebook and NextDoor.

Route 66 Marathon

Outside event which runs through our neighborhood. The RNA and residents host a water station for the runners as they pass by.

2025 Holiday Decorating Contest

It’s time for the 2025 Renaissance Neighborhood Decorating Contest.   Easier than ever – no nominating, no way to miss the nominating deadline – let’s just stop talking about nominating. To enter, just have your house/yard decorated by December 15.  Judging will take place between December 16 and December 22.  Winners will be announced on Facebook […]